Meditations - Enlightened gastronomic insights

We’re Like-minded, Right?

If you’re reading this, it’s very likely that you enjoy good coffee and appreciate conversation with interesting people. Then we’re like-minded. Join…

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Don’t Judge a City by its Beige-ness

I recently spent four long days in Winnipeg—winner of the Most Beige City in Canada Award—attending a series of meetings at The Fort Garry Hotel by day, exploring the…

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Contest: Win a copy of Mark Bittman’s Latest

New York Times bestselling author of How to Cook Everything is back with his latest book, Kitchen Express and we have a copy to give away (details at the end of this…

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On being a judge at a food competition

I had the privilege of being a judge at CupcakeCamp Vancouver last week, which raised an enormous amount of money for the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre. The idea…

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Wine and Cheese Summer Camp? Why not?

What goes better with good wine than a fine cheese? That’s right—nothing! Which is why the organizers of the second annual VinoCamp Vancouver 09 have added…

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Is Sustainable Seafood a Myth?

Last spring, while in Tokyo, I made an early-morning trip to the famous Tsukiji fish market. It was meant to be a pilgrimage of sorts but ended up being an unsettling…

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Meeting Our Lambs at Cutter Ranch

Ewes normally have twins. But sometimes they have triplets. One lamb is born, then a second, and if a third comes it’s a surprise to the ewe and to the farmer. The…

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Eating Blind

I remember back in my university days in Toronto every so often we’d get the Loblaws (known as The Real Canadian Superstore out west) flyer, the one featuring all…

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Are you a fan?

If you’re on Facebook and want to see what’s up with Foodists and join in the conversation, become a fan. See you there.

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Richmond Night Market: A photo essay

Last Friday Steph and I were lucky enough to hit the Richmond Night Market with a bunch of our fellow foodists; we arrived with empty stomachs and we left stuffed with…

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Guidance - Recipes & tips that will convert you

Edna Lewis’s Oyster Salsify Stew

It occurs to me that my very good friend Clint is partially responsible for my food fixation. You see, we lived together when we were much younger men and used to…

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What is a foodies pizza?

We’ve all been there. Come home from work late and no real desire spend an hour in the kitchen making a new culinary concoction. Turn on the TV and watch the game,…

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Like Water for Chocolate

OK, it’s Valentines and as cliché as it is to post something involving chocolate, you’ll thank me for this one. If you have a craving for chocolate mousse but…

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How to Find, Butcher, Cook and Serve a Fawn

We went to Bowen Island over the holidays for an open house. We ended up going back in time to take a fawn from hoof to plate in a few hours.

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Kitchen Essentials: Making Stock

When I was starting out in the kitchen, I was convinced that I was missing something. While I could follow a recipe without too much trouble and only a modicum of…

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Tomato poached eggs on truffled polenta cakes

Lately we’ve been doing all our entertaining over brunch. I think mostly because it’s with couples who also have young kids and this way we can see them, and…

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Steak Sandwich

Last night I had an itch that only a steak sandwich could scratch but knew I wanted to go beyond steak and bread, and add my own twist to it. I knew I wanted to add some…

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Smoky Lamb & Chipotle Stew

About a year ago I was faced with the task of roasting a leg of lamb in an unfamiliar kitchen. I pulled it off, barely, but we were left with a bunch of undercooked meat…

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Matcha Tea Truffles

When I think of dark chocolate, matcha tea is something I never considered as a pairing. I first experienced these truffles at Hapa Izakaya restaurant, as a dessert. The…

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Chili Molasses Pecans

Every Christmas, I make gingerbread people. Gingerbread people require molasses, but of course my recipe uses slightly less than a standard carton of molasses. I’ve…

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Worship - Feasting at the temples of others

Omi Beef

Can I write about something that I haven’t actually experienced myself yet? Well, can I imagine living in a Gamma Issa House & be certain that life would constitute…

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Pink Salmon Festival at Vanier Park

Will you be in Vancouver on Sunday, Aug. 30 from 11 am to 5 pm?

Do you like to feast on salmon cooked by world-class chefs and the Canadian Barbecue Champion?

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Oliva Nera

The next time you find yourself in Venice, think about splurging a little and have dinner at the wonderful Osteria Oliva Nera   There…

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Alibi Room On Tap – August 27, 2009: Cask Crawl!

Before we get to the on-tap list this week, let’s talk about this Saturday’s First Annual Cask Crawl. I know the word ‘crawl’ brings up visions of…

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Meet your food

I’m not going to look at blueberries the same way ever again. I just learned how Naty King of Hazelmere Organics picks hers and now I’m afraid to eat anything…

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There’s not many things that will get me to Kits on a fireworks night. Certainly not the fireworks. But we had a reservation at Maenam that I was not about to pass…

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Review: Luchador Shiraz 2006

My sister & I had bought this bottle in the first week on the evening of a balmy July, at the Kitsilano Wine Cellar near my apartment. The intent of whatever wine we…

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Birch Syrup…a Sticky Business

On our recent drive up to Clinton, BC to visit our lambs at Cutter Ranch we stopped at a roadside store to buy some local produce, dairy, and meat for the weekend. While…

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Mis Trucos’s Chef Kris Barnholden has a few tricks of his own

A few hungry Foodists were recently invited to check out a new tapas-style restaurant opening on Davie called Mis Trucos. As this was a preview event, we got to sample…

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The best fry in Vancouver

I was spoiled as a kid, having grown up in Yorkshire (England) I ate my fair amount of fish and chips (fried in lard for extra flavour). For those not in the know, the…

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