Deep Fried Everything at State Fair of Texas [Video]
Posted by Melody Fury on Tuesday, October 26th, 2010Tags for this Article: beer, butter, Deep Fried, gross, State Fair, State Fair of Texas, Texas, Travel, USA

So I was thinking, of all places to visit in the US, what’s the most unlikely spot for me to take a vacation? Or better yet, where would I experience the most culture shock?
Why, Dallas Texas sounds shocking enough for a little Canadian girl that doesn’t own a car, only consumes one serving of meat a week, and only eats deep-fried food when I’m majorly intoxicated.
Texans are damn proud of their state. They take every measure to demonstrate how everything is indeed bigger in Texas, including their monstrous portion-sizes. Meanwhile, my body is accustomed to eating multiple small meals throughout the day and rarely over-eating.
For the love of misadventure, I threw all of my habits out the window and dove head-first into the infamous deep fryers at the notorious State Fair of Texas. While the average person seeks out the most delicious treats, I roamed the grounds for the most mind-bloggling and stomach-churning items.
Before entering, I was advised of 3 things:
1. This is the single most visit-worthy state fair (woohoo!)
2. They will deep fry anything remotely edible
3. Not to judge the rest of Texas according to my experience here
Don’t mess with Texas? Let’s see what happens when I do just that.
Posted on October 29th, 2010
Mark Busse says:
Gagged when I saw you eat deep fried butter. Not kidding.
Posted on October 29th, 2010
Melody Fury says:
Let’s just say… I’m glad the rest did not go to waste.
Posted on October 31st, 2010
Miles Harrison says:
Ahhhh… Oh man, the tension of the silence before you finally announce that the deep fried butter is “nasty”, is simply priceless. Nice poker face. I felt the same way after I tried the deep fried Mars Bar at PNE 2010.
Glad you made it up with the peaches.