It’s Time to Tailgate!
Forget the presidential election noise, or the start of the school year. A crisp September Saturday in Iowa means only one thing to the entire state: It’s time to…
Foodists is a collective of like-minded food worshippers. We breathe and sleep in order to eat and drink. Have something to share with us? We'd love to hear from you. If it's something to eat or drink, even better.
Forget the presidential election noise, or the start of the school year. A crisp September Saturday in Iowa means only one thing to the entire state: It’s time to…
One dark morning last week, I made ham and eggs for one in a tiny skillet on an industrial range. Now, this has its pros and cons: Pro: With the high heat that comes out…
When I was back in BC this summer I had the very good luck of meeting Chris Hergesheimer, who owns and operates The Flour Peddler Enterprises. My parents met Chris at…
In today’s internationalized and air freighted culinary world can a cuisine go extinct? A question raised by dinner at a small rural café in a tiny drive through…
When asked to become part of the Foodists community, I was flattered and somewhat surprised. Sure, my life is food, I know how to cook and I have strong opinions about…
Labour Day long weekend is around the corner, signalling the end of summer 2012. Vacations are ending, kids are back to school, and it’s time to get back into…
Two summers ago in 2010 it was a record year for the BC salmon run here, the best since 1913 apparently. 2010 was also my father’s seventieth birthday and my brother…
The Wise Monkeys blog is a site that I’ve been following obsessively because of the great insider tips about Chinese food around Vancouver. Contributor Fernando is…
After the six hours of car and ferry travel, I needed something to eat that wasn’t prepped the night before or didn’t have saran wrap stretched around it…
I think my mother once tried to serve us muesli when we were kids. This was back in the day when Cheerios and milk was our standard and anything else for breakfast was…
Last week, fellow Foodist Karen Hamilton went to Montreal to participate in the Van Houtte Coffee Getaway (watch for the post!). As a good Foodist would, she went with an…
Most people think that curing your own meats is a quick way to waste meat, or worse, end up in the hospital (or even worse: dead). While there is some risk involved, it…
In a week’s time a lovely friend will be getting married at the charming Heritage Hall. As part of the bride and groom’s DIY approach to the day they have…
In mid-September, just a few days before the autumnal equinox, the days are getting noticeably shorter and the sunlight is transitioning from blazing to soft. This is…
From noble stock? Not I. But I’m comforted personally by the notion we’re all dirt-digging peasants with appetites base and common. After all, many of the world’s…
Last weekend my parents celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. I suppose after 45 years you have your share of romantic dinners for two (and other stuff I don’t…
Today’s guest post is courtesy of Ana Simeon, who works as a communications coordinator for SeaChoice, Canada’s most comprehensive sustainable seafood program.…
The half-used tomato, still perfectly serviceable, sat alongside a cucumber of similar status in the “rot drawer” of the fridge. In summer, I tend to overbuy…
Though I really don’t want Meow Mix to please deliver I had really hoped that Sunday dinner at my aunt and uncle’s had delivered better. Lured by the promise of a…
We typically associate stir-fry cookery with Asian foods, but it’s a really versatile method. And now that summer vegetables are hitting our farmers’ markets…
Life is about new experiences and for many people that means travel. Me, I travel on my stomach. All of my vacations are rigorously planned around trying new restaurants,…
Summer isn’t typically the time of year when one can’t wait to get their hands on a nice, steaming, hot cup of tea, but at The Urban Tea Merchant over heated…
You have to wonder how Robin Kort from Swallowtail has the reoccurring ability to find obscure Vancouver venues to stage her Secret Supper Soirees. If she ever needs a new…
“Hey! Long time! How are you?” shouted Stephan Gagnon as his face lit up when I walked into Che Baba. I looked around, and was met with a dimly lit room filled…
After decades of quietly smoking and grilling away, food trucks have lately earned a lot of attention and column inches. In an era where multiple arugula options and…
‘Luxury’ isn’t often the first word that comes to mind when you think of tea. Unlike a Cartier watch, Louis Vuitton purse or Harry Winston diamonds, high end…
“remember, what the dormouse said feed your head, feed your head” —Jefferson Airplane The city seemed to shrink away on the horizon as we wound up through the treed…
I know this isn’t a site where we do a lot of restaurant reviews, but I feel compelled to do a little worshipping, even if it may seem a little obvious to most…
Foodists Brenda and Mel have recently had dining adventures in Montreal, and I am embarking on one tomorrow in 8 hours care of Van Houtte Coffee. My big red suitcase is…
Like a lot of good ideas, the recently launched Food.ee was conceived out of frustration. There are a so many restaurant reviews sites, but when you analyze them for the…