Meditations - Enlightened gastronomic insights

Biting into Books

Affordable accessibility is a by-product of any economic downturn and as publishers reel from the effects, books are hitting the streets at VERY affordable prices! Recent…

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Contest! Win In the Kitchen by Monica Ali

We just received a couple copies of a new book by Monica Ali titled In the Kitchen. I’m just reading it now, so stay tuned for a review, and we’re giving the…

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My meat and patisserie run

You ever have one of those Saturdays when a slot of time opens up and you can combine three or four things all at once? So it was this Saturday when I needed to go out and…

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Social Bites

It seemed like not very much time passed between hearing about Social Bites, meeting Annika and Jules asking me to be her sous-chef in the next dinner. That momentum…

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Nat Decants Releases Food & Drink Pairing Mobile Application

Our friend Natalie MacLean—a dedicated “Foodist”, wine expert, and author of the wildly popular Nat Decants website—has just…

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Fold, walk, open, grill

There’s something about being able to grill anywhere that’s imminently appealing to me. Add in some sweet design and you may have a winner. To me, portable…

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Hungry Enough to Eat a Horse

That’s how the saying goes: ‘Hungry enough to eat a horse.’ But have you eaten a horse? Or even just some horse? I have. Along with 9 friends last…

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Throwing dip into the seasoning mix

Just recently I was discussing halibut with my father-in-law who was commenting on having been served fresh halibut that was ruined by over saucing. With such a delicate…

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Diary of a Foodie

Foodists, foodie….whatever you wanna be called, it’s people who love food. Really love it. They can have long conversations criticizing, rhapsodizing and just plain…

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Food sites from the Mother Land

My mother recently sent me some food sites from the UK. Check them out. GoodFood by the BBC. The site includes cookery videos (enjoy those funny English accents), recipes,…

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Guidance - Recipes & tips that will convert you

Oops. Gravy too salty? Add potato!

This holiday season my sister and I collaborated on Christmas dinner for our family—about 20 people this year! To our chagrin, our gravy made from the turkey drippings…

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On Celeriac

Celeriac, for me, is comfort food. Now, rather than having you rush off to Google, let me link to the Celeriac Wikipedia entry for you. In short, it’s a varietal of…

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Tales of the Leftover Xmas Eve Ham pt.3: My Take on the Classic Leftover Sandwich

At this point, talking about what to do with the Leftover Xmas Eve Ham is no doubt starting to conjure up images of Homer Simpson hiding his moldy staff picnic hoagie…

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Oeufs en cocotte

I love eggs. Scrambled, fried, poached, boiled, on toast, in quiche – you name it, I love it. They’re a great when you’re in a hurry, but also when…

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A Québécoise Cochon Feast

I recently asked Mark to recommend a cookbook and without hesitation, he gave me the name of Martin Picard’s Au Pied de Cochon – The Album. When I poured over…

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Toasted Almond French Toast

If toast is bettered bread, French toast is certainly another step in the evolutionary process – dipped in egg and pan-fried, this staple of Sunday brunches…

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Tales of the Leftover Xmas Eve Ham pt.2: Ham, Shrimp & Capsicum Pasta

We are currently on a fairly tight schedule with our daughter Caia when it comes to bedtime which means that I typically prep for a meal before we start our routine of…

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Tales of the Leftover Xmas Eve Ham pt.1: Polenta and 3 Mushroom Casserole (with aforementioned ham..)

We had Xmas Eve at our place this year with Jane’s parents, her brother and his wife. Due to factors well beyond our control (insane weather patterns, traffic mayhem…

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Why the cookie crumbles

I’ve make these cranberry shortbread stars every Christmas for the past ten years, and they have quite the following. They’re buttery and crumbly, with just a…

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Chocolate chocolate snowflakes

I’m really picky when it comes to chocolate-containing recipes, so I was pleasantly surprised with this recipe for chocolate cookies. The recipe is actually for a…

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Worship - Feasting at the temples of others

My Last Japa Dog?

I may never eat at Japa Dog again. I can again eat Japa Dog—see UPDATE below. Those who know me, realize the absurdity of that statement. I love Japa Dog. I first…

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Bite-sized bagels? Why didn’t Timmy’s think of this first?

With apologies to all those who worship at the throne of Tim Hortons, I’ve never really understood the appeal…EXCEPT for Timbits. You can fit quite a variety…

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Smash! My (New) Favourite Norwegian Junk Food.

I promised myself that on this trip to Norway, I would try as many authentic Norwegian foods as possible. New favourites would be found. I would spare no expense and no…

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Long Table Series

When I caught wind of their new Long Table Series, I knew it was time for a trip back to the new Irish Heather.

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NYC: Eating up Manhattan

It’s been 7 years since I last visited NYC. My memories are foggy but I remembered something about piles of hot succulent pastrami at Katz’ as big as a small child’s…

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Alibi Room on Tap – July 9, 2009

I have a classic pavlovian reaction to e-mails from The Alibi Room’s Nigel Springthorpe – I start to salivate even before I get past the subject line. This…

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Choux Choux Charcuterie

I commute weekly between Victoria and Vancouver. For those of you who have never been, Victoria is a small city on the Southern tip of Vancouver Island. It is 30 minutes…

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An “Offal” Dinner!

Hello Foodists and fans of rare and unusual treats for the table (at least here in Vancouver!). I am hosting a very limited seating tomorrow, July 7th for “An Offal…

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The British Butcher Shoppe Ltd.

I’m a Yorkshire lad (pronounced York–sha) born and bred. Grew up eating scotch eggs and lard sarnies with crisps (chips) for Saturday (pronounced Sat-day) tea (evening…

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Thomas Haas

| Photo courtesy of Michael Yung Thomas Haas – a name, that just until recently, was solely subject as an elusive element in my life. It is the name of a German-born…

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